
Could Your Mouth Ulcers Be Due to a Vitamin Deficiency?

If you frequently suffer from mouth ulcers, it may be due to vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin helps the body make red blood cells, ensuring your nervous system remains healthy and can extract energy from food. People who are deficient … Continue reading

How a Cold or Flu can Affect Your Teeth and Oral Health

On average, adults can get two or three colds every year, and we are right in the middle of cold and flu season. When you’re ill, it’s important to look after yourself, but have you considered the potential impact on … Continue reading

Is Your Tooth Pain Caused by Cold Weather?

Lots of people have sensitive teeth, and sometimes the colder weather can make things worse. Understanding why teeth might ache is important, as sometimes it may be caused by problems like tooth decay or teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism), or … Continue reading

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can make considerable improvements to every type of smile.


Preventive Dentistry

We strongly believe that preventive dentistry is the best approach to maintain healthy teeth for life.


Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing one or more missing teeth.