our treatments
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing one or more missing teeth. Placed directly into your jaw bone using a simple surgical procedure, the implant then fuses to your jawbone to act as the base for an artificial crown.
For the implant to be successful, you will need to have excellent oral hygiene and healthy gums. A thorough evaluation by St George Dental will help determine whether you are a good candidate, and which procedure is best for you.
Will I be able to chew and function normally?
Absolutely! The great thing about implants is that once they have integrated, you will be able to function normally, without experiencing any unusual sensations.
How long is the entire implant process?
Dental implants take approximately 3-4 months in the lower jaw and 6 months in the upper to integrate fully with your jawbone. Once integrated, it takes a few visits to complete the restoration, depending upon the complexity.
What is the cost of implants?
The cost of implant dentistry is based upon a combination of the surgical phase and the prosthetic phase. Your total treatment fee will depend upon the number of implants and the complexity of your final restoration. Naturally, we will provide you with a detailed treatment plan along with a quote prior to beginning any treatment.